Thursday, May 14, 2020


The day Bernie dropped out broke my heart. Again. Again and again. As a pathological optimist I put my bleeding heart out there over and over. Convinced by the ground swell, the numbers, the powerfully positive record on social justice and the momentum of the movement, I was swept up and really believed the vision. Bernie in the white house, and the crime boss behind bars. (In Matching orange jump suits let he and his accomplices pick their own privatized prison.)  Until the impeachment proceedings got played and we didn't win Michigan this time.  
But still I held out hope. Other primaries to sweep. Until that too felt sadly stolen and smashed by the seemingly corrupt upper hand. How quick did that supreme court overrule the governor to dictate an in person election during a shelter in place pandemic?  But the days that followed have allowed a little uplift. It is true that this message is bigger than one man and the movement can still gain ground. Stacey Abrams as the running mate might bring some holdouts back to the polls to cast a sour vote for this bland glad-hand finger-banger puppet du jour.   

But really what alarms me is how clearly we are all witness to this charade without claiming our civc duty to pull the plug on the powers repo all their ill gotten gains. How can we keep accepting these so called elections while so much evidence of foul play piles up. What does it even mean to accept, other than rolling our eyes and hanging our heads and stepping aside. How do we add our voices of discontent loud enough to have any actual effect. I am afraid FB isn't it. Could a twitter storm rain down an actually damaging deluge. 

I find it intriguing that all the while for the last 5 years since Hamilton the musical has entered our lexicon, we have all been singing along every word of the revolutionary rap, of an inspired time when a young destitute orphaned islander rose up with good ideas and drive alone to author our revolution and to rewrite the rules and laws and the defining features of our republic. We have been memorizing the minutia of  the making from nothing to our buttoned up constitutional construct. From one mans mind to our whole way of life, this fiction was not the fact that we are all so constrained in. Right there across stages in every American city we sing along to the story of the making of this odd undertaking. We can un make it just the same. And start again. 

And yet as half our population knows every word, where has that inspiration made land fall? I am waiting for the young minds to find their call and sign up their supporting tenors to rewrite this manifesto  for our times. Whats it gonna take to find the like minds and an uplifting beat to undo what was once done. That was right for its times. But the brilliance has been demoralized for a long time by the Aaron Burrs and the bold faced cheaters, money traders and greed motivated back room dealers. And we all know it. Loop hole after loop hole, Late stage capitalism is all hole, no cheese. Cheaters electing cheaters to allow the cheaters to cheat the system until it is simply a slip stream for the biggest cheaters to slip out the back with all the cash, as they poison the politic and nary a consequence.  We can clearly see how our political system has slipped out of our hands into the wallets of the super PACs. Billionaires have nothing left to buy but bureaucrats. The most expensive bauble is their unchecked influence on the law makers and breakers. Their slight-of-hand tricks to undo any restrictions on their greed machines. Too big to fail equals too big to follow any rules other than their sacred sect thats ruled by the accumulation of more control over our mighty dollar.
We have seen Kevin Spacey fall. We watched all the documentaries Dark Money, Open Secrets, Citizens United, The Family. We applaud 13th from our couch cushions. We know how rigged this gig is. So why hasn't this awareness woken us up enough to demand a change. Maybe that's the misstep. We can't ask for it. We have to make it. We have to break it. I don't see us taking muskets into the streets. Rather this revolution has to be smarter than that. Sugar in their gas tanks? Slow the operations of mass production? Knock them out at their knees!
To the call for civil disobedience I wonder, how's this for civil? Instead of taking to the streets fists raised, we all just quietly disengaged. This sneaky COVID 19 asked and We obeyed and simply stopped participating in their masquerade. If they can't decide on a health care solution we will just die in their aisles. If you won't raise minimum wage or offer sick leave how about we just don't go to work at all this season. If they think the banks deserve all the bail outs, how about we just sit this one out. 
Maybe the shift is slowly rising now from the silence. All of the bread bakers and garden makers are teaching us that we can regain some autonomy and from here we can break our addiction to their sugar high consumerist economy. We can tell big oil that we have no place to go. And find that pharmaceuticals aren't better than a home cooked meal. And our entertainment comes from each other. And frankly we prefer it to be uplifting or funny. Finally! Good people aren't nerds and nerds aren't lower in this pecking order, when finally we don't want to be blinded by the blinking lights and pretty pundits. We want to be included in the truth and spoken to like the intelligent populace we actually are. Fauci for president. Or how about we question the whole balance of power, since they have so successfully put their thumb on the scales. I do applaud their long game. The GOP and their big money monster has been at this for a while. And for some reason, we have simply let the cheaters win. Maybe because the sweet soul of a democrat just isn't that competitive. I can see that. We want good to prevail just because. That's why my heart breaks again. Where I thought good could win on its own merit, I see the system find the weak spot and crash our movement at the neck. But we will pick up again and maybe this sad sickness will offer us a foot hold. To David the Goliath with our little efforts well placed.


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